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Job’s tears, also known as Chinese Pearl Barley, is often mistaken with barley. However, they are as distinctively different as they can be: Job’s tears are seeds and barleys are grains. Job’s tears have been traditionally used in Chinese cuisine, but it is more often used in sweet dishes. Nutritionally Job’s tears contains good amount of protein, fiber, and potassium. It is also believed that it has numerous medicinal effects in TCM. The taste of Job’s tears is starchy, earthy, and aromatic. It actually can be used in variety of ways. It can be mixed in with rice to change up the texture and flavor of the staple, or as part of the soup to provide the carbohydrate needed for a meal. Most people probably did not think of using it as part of the salad. Its earthy and slightly bitter taste make it an excellent ingredient for a unique salad!

Job's Tears Salad

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